How to live the life you deserve: The Nietzsche way

Great philosopher of ancient Greece, Heraclitus compared life with a complex maze. With each turn, life unfolds itself. Though a person thinks he/she is in the midst of the mystery of life, it’s possible that he/she is only scratching the surface of the maze.

On the work of the legendary Philosopher Fredrick Nietzsche, he proposed a holistic scenario with a modern approach and shown a scientific representation of the process of becoming the person we who we deserve to be. He provides us way to become our true self.


Step 1: No good no evil

Nietzsche questioned the core value of morality and projected the flaws of Abrahamic religions. Religion contributed the holistic idea of good and evil. Religion told us, there is always a battle going on in our soul between good spirit and evil one and we should choose the pat of goodness and abandon the evil force. But why should God add a evil force in the first place then? With this logic Nietzsche questioned the identity of aristocratic religion. He said, we don’t have to abandon the evil in us.We can live in a equilibrium with it.

Step 2: Individuality before morality

He questioned the core of morality and ethics. Ethics directed a person to sacrifice something for the greater good. the state and religion justify this with the fact that, it is responsible for the greater good of the mass. Reputed philosophers like Plato,Emanuel Kant, David Hume supported this  ideology and this gave state the role of ethical controller. Nietzsche disproves this paradoxical idea.


he sounded similar like Machiavelli. He told, to be a better person we just have to think logically. If our logic clashes with ethics, we have to give logic priority.

Step 3: Self Identification

this was a whole new idea provided by Nietzsche as it contributed o the modern way of soul searching a lot. he told us in order to find calmness in your soul and establish yourself as a greater version of yourself, you don’t have to rely on any kind of scripture or have to dedicate our life to certain belief system. We just have to try to be the person who we really are. As famous philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said that we are not who we are, but we are what we not.7b9bc9bd7787039dd7bb93afb7e0d24f--existentialism-quotes-sartre-quotes

It may sound kinda silly, but the depth of the statement help every human being to touch the core of self identification. Many of the philosophers think the vast depth of human mind is unbearable for human to understand and the darkness of human emotion can be traumatizing for anyone. But to become our true self we have to dive to the dark water of mind. Nietzsche was one of the first men who dived there and it’ll be good for us if you try our best to know ourselves as closely as possible.

Step 4: Feel the harmony

The advancement of science have shown us we are nothing but a point in comparison to the vast ever expanding universe. This scale of irrelevancy gave birth to the existentialism. But Nietzsche fought with this crippling depression and show us the shiny side of the coin.without-music-life-would-be-a-mistake-nietszche-quote-1381921439-view-0He directed us to the great symphony of creation and destruction which is happening from the birth of the time and we are nothing but a skilled dancer in the cosmic ballroom! He was always a admired of music and thought it’s as a purest form of art and it has the ability to touch the soul of listener. So, in order to get to know ourselves, we have harmonize our mind with the symphony of our soul.

Step 5: Be a bridge for the Übermensch

Nietzsche claimed that the evolution of human kind hasn’t stopped yet. Because we are not fully aware of our capability till this time. He said that evolution will go on in it’s normal pace and it’ll give us the ultimate form of human. The Übermensch or the superman. The most advanced form of humanity without any chaos of confusion. For this we can do nothing but become a bridge which will welcome the new man to it’s spiritual success.

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So, in conclusion, to live like a real functional human being on the face of this great cosmos, we just have to sharpen our thinking and maintain the equilibrium of our soul so that it uses every step with logic not moral values. by this we can become the person we deserve to be. we can be our true self.

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